Men: From Lacing Up Their Skates To Freeing Their Feet
There's been a shift; and awakening of sorts. Yoga is expanding to not just the flexible women who sport the trendy leggings with their hair perfectly pulled into a ponytail. Men are flocking to their mats in excitement to synchronize their breath with their movement, although stiff and sometimes awkward (as repetitive sport can cause havoc on the wear and tear of our physical), but LOVING it.
What is it that is calling to them to show up to a practice that encourages mindfulness and softness, in addition to their practice on the ice/field entailing competition and aggression? We all know yoga benefits an athlete: the stretching of the legs (specifically the hamstrings) can increase the speed and length of the stride; the strength of the muscle improves due to stability and agility within a pose; the flexibility attained prevents injury; yoga flushes toxins (especially lactic acid) reducing stiffness and blood flow, speeding up the process of healing; and ones' lung capacity increases as the practice revolves around awareness of the breath.... I could go on all day, but there has to be something more.
Yoga enables us to create balance within, specifically the energies between the masculine and feminine. I think when men step onto their mats, all judgement (especially within) finally dissipates and they are able to refine their elegance, unlocking their baseline tenderness, which so often is masked by the stresses of day to day. The pressures of simply maintaining, within such a noisy, chaotic society of material and ego.
My wish for all the "Brogi's" :: May you enjoy a place of surrender where no one is competing :: allowing yourself to completely detach from your typical masculine roles :: connecting with the peace that forever radiates within your pulse. (And secretly I know you realize, when your eyes open after Savasana, you've never felt so good).
Men/Athletes class :: Monday 8:30pm, Studio 462, Hudson QC