Diffusing for Wellness
Aromatherapy is a fairly straight forward holistic technique of inhaling natural plant extracts to promote health and wellbeing. In my home, I have many essential oil diffusers that I use throughout the day, as a ritual to either invigorate my energy or calm me down. Here are a few blends that I have currently been enjoying, paired with my daily routine.
Morning meditation: Helichrysum + Copaiba
After I clean the kitchen: Lemon + Rosemary + Bergamot
Yoga workout: Wild Orange + Spearmint
Afternoon pick me up: Lemongrass + Grapefruit + Eucalyptus
Focusing on the computer: Peppermint + Vetiver
Shower: Cypress + Ylang Ylang
Bedtime: Lavender + Clary Sage
I use doTERRA essential oils as they are pure therapeutic grade and ethically sourced. For more information or purchasing of these oils link below.