Lust-ing over Adaptogens
What is an adaptogen? Basically an adaptogen is a class of substances that allow our physical bodies as a whole to adapt to the perceived stress, helping to return and normalize our systems back into balance quickly and efficiently. Adatogens regulate and release the stress hormone cortisol, aiding mental alertness and clarity while invoking calmness. They also offer support and modulate the immune system and adrenal thyroid loop balancing and maintaining energy. Some examples or Adaptogens are: chaga mushroom, reishi mushroom, ashwagandha, astragalus, schisandra berry and shatavari root (to name just a few).
The Gut Lab is a Canadian company who offers a variety of blended Adaptogens that can be added to hot beverages, smoothies, dressings and soups. Currently before bed I have been drinking Lust in warm oat milk, but if you wish to be more adventurous, each blend comes with a must-try recipe.
Click Lust-The Gut Lab for 15% off with promo code ERICA15