
An Altar created at the Art of Attention workshop with Elena Brower in 2016

“That which is placed on the altar, is altered” -Marianne Williamson

Practicing ceremony everyday is a beautiful way to connect with yourself, to slow down your pace and to awaken within you ritual and sacredness. The word ceremony can be defined as you wish. Taking a walk in nature or a bath, writing in your journal, an active meditation of sipping a tea, etc. I have always been drawn to creating altars in my home as a way to balance my energy, remember my commitment to my practice, connect with my intentions and open myself to align with my grace.

What is an Altar? An altar is an outer expression of your inner attunement. It is a representation of devotion to yourself. A sacred space that reminds you to connect with your divine nature within and through and that you are loved and well supported.

What is placed on an Altar? Personally, I believe that whatever is placed on your altar should invoke a sensation of oneness. There is no right or wrong. Items of sacredness and significance can conjure up feelings of love and inspiration. Some traditions suggest that an altar should represent the 5 Tattvas (elements). Oracle cards, photos and art can also bring positive energy into the space.

Here are some examples:

Flower in a vase (water + earth), candle (fire), crystals (earth), message that touches your heart (air), play music (ether), incense (fire+ether), photo of ancestor or child (ether), male beads (earth), statue of deity (air), singing bowl (ether), journal (air), essential oils (air), artwork, deck of cards, jewelry, sage/palo santo.

When to practice ceremony? I have two altars. One in my meditation/yoga space and one beside my bed. I therefore practice ceremony before meditation and before bed I take 5min with myself before I settle. Again there is no right or wrong as to when/where your altar is placed. The answer is within you… ask yourself “Where and when do I wish to feel ease?”

May you feel inspired to use your creativity and begin a ceremony practice. A moment to drop in with yourself and cultivate an energetic experience, may just be the balm.

With love~


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